Thursday, July 21, 2005

love directing...

a friend - adam klasfeld - who's also a terrif publicist - wrote a play i admire titled Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, about to go up at the Fringe. His director moved suddenly to England - no fault of Adam's of course. He was in that weird position, not enough time to find another, unable to really have time to do it himself but feeling obligated. I'm stepping in to help as a "consulting director" - to do blocking, coaching, traffic cop stuff. Tho it doesn't pay and won't garner me more than a "co-" credit, no matter... I really love doing this.

I'm delving into the script... it's a fun piece but also very meaningful. Starting out with a basic visual concept, I think the piece is about "seeing: not seeing" and am basing the visual and movement vocabulary on this.

Of course I have to run it by Adam first... he's my "boss" on this project...


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