Thursday, October 30, 2003

Minutes for Female Driven Thriller - 10/30 meeting
written by Kirsten Mitchell, actor (and producer at Praxis)

Today, Journey, the world moves or a person moves.
Are Heists thrillers? Some of the group said yes, some no.
Can thrillers be comedic? ex. Scream, Conspiracy Theory (references to Catcher in the Rye clue us into the type of conspiracy).

What if someone is a freako? What if the leader of a government is crazy or something isn't what it seems, the world is innocent untill... Discovery is made.

Movie 2001, computer Hal isn't what he seems, becomes a thriller half way through.
Movie The Exorcist, little girl is innocent, possessed by devil.

What should Female Driven Thriller be?
Role reversal, women in power over men. The idea of Nuturing in a sinister way. Movie Alien, woman is thrust into the main role without pointing to the fact that she is a woman, at first you thnik its going to be Tom Skerrit, it becomes a female driven thriller because of circumstance, alien kills Tom first.
Character Driven: relationships are more important; woman to woman relationship. Wacky idea: she is hunting down some sort of conspiracy, everyone she goes to is a part of it, she ends up being central to the conpiracy's inception. The characters are part of a call girl ring. Because call girls are outsiders, skilled in manipulation.

Outside group of women in society: Nannies; they could manipulate through nuturing. Perhaps the nannies are raising children to be brainwashed into doing something for them someday. Maybe they are baby switching. Nannies form secret ring in order to manipulate the wealthy.

Nannies example of subculture, denegrated, an underclass that is both inside and outside, as outsiders they are given alot of trust.

A perfect society, innocent. What if its not a black and white story but gray everyone is culpable.

Being put into the outside w/out trying, shunned, but then shunning doesn't work.

For next time, look over all the homework handouts, what people submitted. Group decided they were ready to go from the page to the stage, so to speak. Read and reflect on what you liked that people brought to the homeworks. Come to the next meeting prepared to discuss what you think is good that we have come up with so far, opptional bring in an article that you feel expresses what we've been talking about.

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