Saturday, November 15, 2003

Just for Fun

Female Driven Thriller - Meeting notes 11/13
written up by Bob Jude Ferrante (playwright on this thing)

We met to really just be together; it's apparent we've made a huge amount of progress in the past few weeks, despite the brief moments of contention... which are probably a normal part of any process where you throw 10 strangers in a room together and tell them to make something happen together.

Larry Rothman, enormously talented actor, improv teacher for the Times Square Group, and all-around great guy, did a 2-hour improv class. We thought (crazy us) that we could get them on their feet, thinking on their feet, and thence make their creative juices flow.

It's my belief - and I can be disabused of that belief given enough sufficiently cruel real-life experience, mind you - that trying to create a peak experience for people can sometimes actually result in people having a peak experience.

Many years back I volunteered as a facilitator for a group called Actualizations in San Francisco. They seemed to have a corner on peak experiences... it seemed that everyone who I saw do their workshop had a peak experience. With very few exceptions. Everyone had to pay full price anyway, whether they wanted to have a peak experience or not. I guess that's critical... given that situation, I'd bet most people would just say, screw it, might as well have the peak experience.

It's my hope that the two hours of playing we did at Kirsten Mitchell's apartment resulted in some fun. It's amazing how much work you are doing while you are having fun.

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